The following messages of condolence and symbols
have been added in memory of Margaret.
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Ombi Zanetti on 9 February, 2025 at 10:59pm (AWST)
Maggie ... I can't believe you're gone! But it's part of the cycle we call life ... and we don't know how long we have. We are here until we are here, and then those of us who loved you are left to mourn and grieve in whatever way we know best. I want to thank you for the love and listening ear you always gave me; for the stories and knowledge you shared with me; for your words of wisdom and advice. You are in my heart and will never be forgotten. May you have found your peace Maggie. You were loved by many and you will not be forgotten. Your legacy will live on in your daughters and grandchildren, ensuring that the spark that we called Maggie will always stay alive. Rest easy dear friend, love you! Ombi and Alex
Matthew Sean Adams on 5 February, 2025 at 6:20pm (AWST)
Your presence in my life was the most beautiful gift. Every day, I would wake up and thank the heavens for having you beside me. Your tender touch, your loving gaze, and your enchanting smile are the elements that make up my universe. The love that you poured into our life, the way you did everything you did—it’s all a constant reminder of how lucky I was to have you
Kay Prior on 1 February, 2025 at 6:06pm (AWST)
She will be missed by our family and if she help me on my wedding day we have been married for 50 years god mother to our eldest son and she loved the four boys and even live on one side of Australia when we visited she looks on a ticki tour around Kalgoorlie and we had fun with her and Matt l remember there wedding in the garden at Williamstown what a wonderful day l will miss our talks on the phone love you Maggie and will miss you lots love Kay and merv and lee Brendan Glen Adrian and there partner and our grand children love you
Charlie Hunter on 1 February, 2025 at 2:41pm (AWST)
There’s so many things that I remember about our time together. But one memory that sticks out in particular is from primary school. On Wednesdays you would pick me up after school, buy me a peppermint magnum and take me to art class. And I feel so lucky to have so many similar memories with you.
Whenever I create something or eat a magnum I will think of you.
Love from your Princess.
Bernadette Playford on 1 February, 2025 at 8:17am (AWST)
This is a newspaper article that was in the Kalgoorlie Miner from July 23rd, 2016 about Mum and wanted to share.
Bernadette Playford on 1 February, 2025 at 8:08am (AWST)
When Mum was turning 70 I made a birthday book for her, this was the picture from the cover. The picture maybe in black and white but mums life never was she was full of colour and colour was what she loved.
Bernadette Playford on 1 February, 2025 at 7:51am (AWST)
There are so many words I can write about you Mum and your amazing strength, tenacity, perseverance and love. You where our biggest supporter when we needed it, your lessons in life have served me well and will continue to serve me well, you stood up for what you believed in, usually followed with the words "That's Bullshit", if I heard those words I knew you would spring into action. Your compassion and friendship I saw over the years to the people you met, you never judged you just showed love to their different situations and if you could you would always help in your own way. I will miss you being here in your physical form but I know you will always be here with me no matter where my life takes me in the good times and bad. Thank you for being my mum
Michelle Prior on 31 January, 2025 at 5:20pm (AWST)
Marg glad your at peace. I'll miss our little chats and advise I'll miss our catch ups when we can and I'll miss my updates. I'll always remember you being there for us with the birth of our first child and being there whenever we needed a talk. I promise I'll keep your memory alive and look after your family. Rest in peace aunty marg
Narrelle Cook on 31 January, 2025 at 5:17pm (AWST)
Miss you Mum. Glad we got to have one last visit with you and make new memories. You fought hard and long but May you Rest now in peace. Love and remembered Always Narrelle and Emily 💕
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